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Not My Mother's Footsteps

  Not My Mothers Footsteps

  Cherish Amore

  © Copyright 2015

  All rights reserved. The text of this

  publication, or any part thereof, may not

  be reproduced in any manner whatsoever

  without written permission from the


  This novel is a work of fiction. Character names, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination and are used factiously. Any reference or similarities to actual events, actual establishments or real people- living or dead- is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to all of my reader’s thank you all so very much.


  First and foremost I would like to thank God, because without him I would not be here today.

  Thanks to my loving supportive husband Alfred, baby you have pushed me to do better and be better. I love you so much, thanks for being you!

  A special thanks to Aleya Mishell, Ty’rae Blaze, and Denise Henson, thank you ladies so much, you guys are near and dear to me!

  Also want to say thanks to all of my family members for supporting me on my journey thanks.

  And lastly and absolutely not least, thanks to every single one of my readers, you all make this possible. Muah!

  I hope you all enjoy!

  Chapter One

  “You’re just like your worthless mother, and you aint never gonna be shit!” Margaret shouted at Phoenix as she exhaled the smoke from her Newport. Ten year old Phoenix didn’t say a word, she just sat at the other end of the table as her grandmother spoke to her horribly.

  “Mama why you got to talk to her like that?” Gregory asked. Gregory was Phoenix’s uncle; Margaret’s youngest child. It wasn’t like Gregory actually gave a damn about Phoenix, because whenever he was drunk he used Phoenix little body as his sex slave; he was an alcoholic, so that was most days.

  “Gregory don’t start with me today. I’m raising her, so I will talk to her how I please” Margaret hissed as she roughly put out her cigarette in the ashtray.

  “Yea, yea I hear that shit everyday” Gregory said as he threw on his jacket, and walked out the house.

  “Phoenix!” Margaret yelled as she lit another Newport.

  Phoenix jumped and quickly lifted her head when her name was called. “Yes ma’am?” She answered in a shaky voice.

  “Now as I was saying, you aint never gonna be shit, so don’t even waste ya time writing these fucking poems” Margaret said as she ripped up Phoenix’s poems. Phoenix would gasp because writing poems was her outlet to the abuse. “Now gone get out my face, and I better not see another fucking poem!” Margaret continued as she tore the last piece to Phoenix poems!

  Phoenix, wanted so badly to scream, kick, shout or something but she knew that it was best for her to just shut up because if she did, Margaret would get mad and hit her, and she didn’t want that considering she was still healing from the fractured arm Margaret caused when she threw the iron at her.


  “Phoenix.... Phoenix.... Phoenix....?”

  “Huh?” Phoenix answered when she was brought back to present day when her friend Mariah started calling her name.

  “You alright girl, it seem like you just checked out for a moment” Mariah asked as she enjoyed the foot massage she was getting; her and Phoenix were getting pedicures.

  “Uh, yea I’m fine” Phoenix said with uneasiness. Phoenix was now 20 years old, and had been fighting all her life to be different from her mother, but it was now beginning to be a challenge. Phoenix had already beat the odds by not having a baby, a sexually transmitted disease, becoming a prostitute, doing drugs, or being in jail. Phoenix wasn’t sure how much longer she could avoid those things because she was over her head in bills.

  “Okay well good, because I told you don’t stress about anything it will all work out for you, plus I am paying for your pedicure so that’s one less thing you have to worry about.” Mariah said with a smile.

  Phoenix wanted to tell Mariah so much more about what was going on with her, but she wasn’t sure how Mariah would judge her. Not only that Phoenix was not use to expressing her feelings to anyone because she was always mistreated as a child. She was unsure she decided for now she would keep what was really going on with her to herself.


  “Is that Rell over there?” Fluffy aka Nikki aka the biggest hoe of Williamsburg asked her home girl while licking her lips.

  “Yea girl that’s him” Bianca said while side eyeing Nikki, she knew she was up to no good. “But you know damn well you better leave him alone, remember he stopped fucking with you when y’all broke up because you lied about being pregnant” Bianca said trying to refresh her memory.

  “Girl I keep trying to tell you I won’t lying” Fluffy said with much attitude, pissed because her plan of trying to trap Terrell, aka Rell, aka Williamsburg’s most vicious, well paid, ex-drug dealer turned businessman didn’t work because he found out she wasn’t pregnant from his sister Chavon, whom use to be Fluffy’s best friend.

  “Yea okay” Bianca said brushing off her last statement because she knew for a fact that Fluffy was never pregnant.

  Fluffy tossed her long 22inch weave over her shoulder and pursed her lips together “Weather I lied or not, Rell won’t be able to deny this thickness much longer” Fluffy said. Fluffy was a dime no questions asked, standing at models height of 5’7 with long slender legs, a brown skinned complexion, and her assets were nicely altered thanks to her miracle worker plastic surgeon.

  ‘Yea I got to get back in good with Rell, cause I sure would love to be fucked by him again, cause he sure puts it down’ Fluffy thought as she watched Rell walk into the corner, and she took one final look before climbing inside her 2010 midnight blue Jetta.


  Rell casually walked inside the Tiny Giant, he could see out the corner of his eye Fluffy and her home girl staring at him. He silently cursed himself like he always did when he saw Fluffy, because he was upset he ever gave her the time of his day. “What’s up Rell?” The guy behind the counter asked as he handed Rell a pack of cigars because he already knew what he wanted.

  “Can’t call it old school” Rell said as he picked up the cigars.

  “Here’s last week profit boss” “Old school said as he handed Rell the large money deposit bag. Rell owned the Tiny Giant along with a clothing store called ‘Flex’ that catered to men and women.

  “Thanks Old School. Renz been by here? Rell asked referring to his best friend whom he had been friends with since he was in diapers.

  “Nah I haven’t seen him.” Old School said.

  “Ight” Rell simply said. “Well aight Old school, I’ll catch up with you later” Rell said while dapping Old school up, and then heading out the door. As soon as Rell made it back to his car, he pulled out his HTC One phone, and called Renz, after the third ring he was greeted by the answering machine, but quickly disconnected the call because he never left messages. After hanging up the phone, Rell started his car and headed out the parking lot, heading to check on things at his clothing store.


  Renz sat in his 2014 Dodge SRT Viper GTS while rolling a blunt. Renz was about to get out the car after tucking the last end of the blunt when his phone began to ring. As he picked up us phone about to answer it, he spotted two fine ass ladies walking out the nail shop so he pressed the ignore button. Hopping out the car Renz walked smoothly to the ladies. “Hey ladies, how are y’all today?” Renz said politely which was out of the norm for him

  “Hey, we are fine” The tall dark skinned one said, but the other one didn’t say a word.

  “That y’all are, ma
y I ask what’s y’all names?” Renz asked, once again sounding nice.

  “Dang you with the feds? Asking us our names and stuff, when we don’t even know who you are” The tall dark skinned one said as the other girl still didn’t say a word.

  “Nah sweetheart I’m not with the feds, and my name is Renz, now what’s yall names?” he said with a smile.

  “My names Mariah” Mariah said with a smile, and when she realized Phoenix wasn’t going to introduce herself she spoke “And this my homegirl Phoenix.”

  Renz continued to smile as Mariah talked and though she was fine with her dark skin, beautiful white teeth, shoulder length dark brown hair and beautiful high cheek bones, he wasn’t interested in her. Renz was interested in Phoenix her complexion was the color of pure honey, dimples so deep that showed even when she wasn’t smiling; long black hair with red highlights that was bone straight down her back, and a body that men drooled over, and women wanted.

  “Phoenix, do you talk?” Renz asked jokingly

  Phoenix thought Renz was cute but she got a bad vibe from him, and because she was a good observer she always went with her first instincts. “I can talk” was her simple reply, without any expression on her face.

  “Well that’s good to know, because I’m trying to talk to you, and get to know you” Renz said as he licked his lips as LL Cool J would.

  “You seem nice and all but I am at a point in my life that I need to just focus on me you know? She said with a smile which made her dimples deeper, she was trying to let him down nice.

  Renz could see she wasn’t feeling him, and though he thought she was fine she wasn’t worth his time, and he was not about beg. “Kool I respect that, Y’all lovely ladies have a great day” he said trying not to show that his ego had been hurt because he had never been turned down.

  “You have a good day as well” Phoenix and Mariah said in unison. Renz walked back to his car just as casually as he walked over to them. After climbing into his car, Renz started it, lit his blunt, and then drove off leaving both ladies in the dust.

  “Dang Phoenix he was fine as hell, why you play him out like that?” Mariah asked as they began walking to Mariah’s car.

  “Girl with everything I have going on, getting involved with a guy is the last thing I need. Not only that the vibe I got from him, he’s not so genuine.” Phoenix said truthfully.

  “Ugh there you go with that reading people stuff” Mariah said sarcastically as they climbed inside the car.

  “Whatever” Phoenix said not really paying Mariah any mind she had bigger things to worry about; she had decisions to make about her life and fast.

  Chapter 2

  “This message is for Phoenix Underwood, this is Rachel Story with Dominion power I was calling I was trying to contact you because your light bill is two months past due and you are scheduled for disconnection, please give me a call back at 757 54” Phoenix pressed the end button on her phone, there was no need in getting the number because she wouldn’t be calling her back because she didn’t have the money to pay them or any other bill.

  Phoenix sat down at the small kitchen table and stare at her cellphone surprised it was still on, considering she had asked for two extensions and still hadn’t made one payment. “What am I going to do?” Phoenix said out loud as she buried her face in her hands. Scrolling through her phone, Phoenix stopped when she got to ‘Geno’ she had recently met him. Phoenix placed her face back in her hands and thought back to the day she met him.

  “Please, please, please just start” Phoenix whined as she had her forehead leaning on the steering wheel. Turning the key in the ignition one more time, tears began to fall when she realized her car was not going to start. Phoenix had to get out the car in the pouring rain because her cell phone had died and she needed to call Mariah to come get her. Wiping her tears Phoenix climbed out the car and jogged across the street trying to avoid the raindrops as much as possible but it was pointless.

  Stepping inside the store Phoenix shook her hair lightly careful not to get water everywhere, but enough to get the excess water off, and then she rubbed her wet hands on her pants. Phoenix began looking around the store seeing if she spotted a payphone at all but instead of a payphone she saw a set of eyes glued to her like they belonged attached to her.

  Feeling uncomfortable Phoenix walked further into the store trying to ignore the look she was getting from the stranger. “Excuse me is there a phone I can use?” Phoenix asked when she reached the cashier.

  “No phone here no” the Asian cashier said rudely as he gestured Phoenix to move out the way for the next customer in line. Phoenix wanted to curse the cashier out for speaking to her rudely but she didn’t have the energy. Turning around quickly Phoenix ran smack into the guy who had been staring at her “Damn shorty you in a hurry?” he said as he looked at her like she was a piece of meat which made her very uncomfortable.

  “Um I’m sorry” she said as she tried to step around him but he stepped with her.

  “You said you needed a phone right?” The guy said handing her his cellphone. Phoenix was very nervous and felt really weird around the guy, it was something about him that made her feel uneasy. “No thank you, I am going to see if I can find a payphone” Phoenix said trying to find a polite way to get away from him.

  “Shorty I aint going to hurt you, you looking all scared and shit. You said you needed to use a phone and I am just trying to help you. It’s raining outside and shit, so do you want to use the phone or not?” He said still handing her the phone.

  Phoenix really didn’t want to use his phone but there was no payphone in site and she needed to get in touch with Mariah so she could come get her. “Yes I would like to use your phone” she said taking his phone. As Phoenix dialed Mariah’s number she could see from her peripheral vision that he was licking his lips staring at her.

  ‘Please answer’ Phoenix thought to herself as Mariah’s phone rung once again and finally the voicemail came on. Pressing the end button disconnecting the call, Phoenix dialed her number hoping she would answer this time, but knew Mariah never answered calls from numbers she didn’t know. After getting her voicemail for the second time Phoenix disconnected the call and handed the guy back his phone. “Thank you” she said disappointed.

  “You need me to drive you somewhere?” the guy asked

  Phoenix wanted to shout out ‘hell naw I don’t,’ but she in fact needed a ride somewhere. “I don’t even know your name, so how am I going to get in a car with you?” she asked truthfully.

  “My name is Geno, what’s your name shorty?” Geno asked as he extended his hand to Phoenix.

  “Phoenix, but I know Geno is not your real name” she said accepting his hand.

  “Naw Geno not my real name, but that’s all I tell people. Now do you need a ride or something?” He asked sounding cocky.

  Biting her bottom lip Phoenix began to weigh out her options, she really didn’t want to get in a car with a stranger not only that she got a bad vibe from him but on the other hand she had no other way and it was raining. “If you don’t mind I need a ride home, so I can call a tow truck to come back and get my car.”

  “I can do you one better, how about we call the tow truck company now and have your car towed to your house and I will take you home as well.” He said with a smile. Phoenix really didn’t have money for a tow truck, and when she told him she would go home and call a tow truck, she was actually going to call Mariah again and see if she could help her.

  “Thanks that won’t be necessary, I really don’t have the money for a tow truck, so if you could just take me home and I will figure it out”

  “Damn shorty you killing me, you need my phone, a ride, money for a tow truck, what’s next you need money for a new house?” Geno said sarcastically.

  Phoenix felt ashamed because she really wasn’t asking him for anything, but she really was in need of some type of help, “I’m sorry I don’t mean to-” she started but was cut off.

“Phoenix right? Geno asked but continued before she answered. “I was only kidding shorty, it aint even that serious. So let me do what I need in here and then I will call the tow company to get your car, and then take you home, is that cool?

  Phoenix really didn’t care how she got home at this moment she just wanted to get there, and if he was willing to help she was going to let him. “Okay” Was her reply, and Geno didn’t say a word instead he just turned around and went handling his business. While she waited, Phoenix could see Geno with his back turned to her. She used this opportunity to take a good look at him. He had a low cut, but not too low because you could see curls in his hair, which made Phoenix think he was mixed with something. He was about 5’11 with a medium build, and though he wasn’t that tall nor big, Phoenix felt a dominance from him that scared her.

  Phoenix couldn’t hear what Geno was saying but she could tell from his body language and the body language of the female he was talking to he meant business. Phoenix really didn’t care to watch them anymore, so she turned her back and patiently waited for Geno to be done. Moments later Phoenix felt a tap on her shoulder, “you ready?” Geno asked as she turned around.

  “Uh yea” Phoenix said confused because the girl that Geno was previously talking to was now standing there beside him but Phoenix didn’t know why. “I am going to drop her off somewhere on the way to take you home” Geno said as if he was reading Phoenix mind. “Oh my bad Butter, Phoenix, Phoenix, Butter” Geno said introducing the girls, then began walking out the store.

  “Hey” Phoenix said trying to be nice, but Butter didn’t say a word, she said looked at Phoenix, rolled her eyes, and headed out the store. “Okay” Phoenix said out loud just wanting to hurry up and get home. Heading out the door Phoenix looked Butter over and could see why she got her name, she was the exact color of butter. Butter had a very nice coke bottle shape, but it was hard to tell since she was wearing clothes two sizes too small, with six inch heels. She wore a short hot pink wig that was cut into a bob, which Phoenix thought looked hideous on her. ‘She’s really pretty, I wonder why she dresses like that, and have that ugly wig on.’ Phoenix thought to herself.